Author: JamieKate
•11:28 AM
Alright. Alright. Okay. So last night I got to working on both stories, which is a win in itself, and then I got a partial request from an agent! That'd be my third request. The other two said things about my writing being competent, but they felt it wasn't right for them. And hopefully this one says I'm both competent and right for them. That would be....uhh...FANTASTIC!

I'm slightly worried because she deals mostly with erotica, which my book is pretty far away from. Since my books are inspired mostly by Jane Austen, I don't get very explicit. Or, you know, explicit at all. But that could just mean that this agent isn't right for me. Which would suck, but I could move on, as I have done in the past. Sigh. I wish I could just telepathically communicate to an agent how awesome I am, and then they'd sign me. That would suit my purposes pretty well.

EDIT: I just looked up the agent who requested things from me, and apparently MOST people who send her query letters get partial requests, since they take unsolicited partials anyways. Let down to the extreme. But we're still okay. Maybe she'll like it still.
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